Search intensifies for 2year old boy dragged away by Alligator in Florida

Florida police are hunting down a two-year-old

kid who was dragged into water by a gator

close to a Disney resort.

The kid was on the shoreline of the Seven Oceans

Tidal pond by the Disney Fantastic Floridian Resort and

Spa in Orlando when he was dragged away late

on Tuesday, authorities said.

The kid's dad entered the water and attempted in

vain to snatch him from the crocodile, Sheriff Jerry

Demings said.

Fifty police and untamed life specialists were looking

for the kid, he said.

What are the world's deadliest creatures?

The family with three youngsters from the condition of

Nebraska were unwinding close to the shore of the

tidal pond when the episode happened at 21:16

neighborhood time (01:16 GMT), the sheriff said.

The Terrific Floridian is an extravagance resort claimed by

Disney and is situated close to Disney's Enchantment

Kingdom Park.

A Disney representative said the organization was

"crushed" by the episode.

Crocodiles live crosswise over Florida and are a

"principal part" of its wetlands, swamps,

waterways and lakes, state untamed life authorities say.

Twenty-two individuals have been executed by gators

in Florida since 1948, they say.


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