Parsing the Clinton Email Outrage

I' ve been viewing the Clinton email outrage nearly, on the grounds that I not just have been in and out of law requirement and security for quite a bit of my early life, additionally was an inward evaluator for IBM and one of the main email specialists in the 1990s. I think this is the main time I've seen an examiner divert a prosecutor in making a suggestion, and give somebody a pass without tending to why wrongdoings were conferred. Case in point, if a tyke were harmed and the guardian could be charged, the examiner may suggest tolerance on the grounds that the guardian planned no mischief and the mishap could have transpired. In any case, seeing an agent prescribe mercy since it seemed impossible the prosecutor would enter a charge - especially given how genuine the agent obviously saw the break - brought back recollections of when I was in a comparative circumstance, and it doesn't look good for how things are done in Washington....