Drake and Taylor Swift performing in 2017 Grammy's?
Taylor Swift And Rapper Drake has something new in store for the 2017 Grammys .She could be taking the stage with her new friend,Drake, 30, “The Grammys has a long history of putting artists together for some pretty epic duets and Drake and Taylor have been talking about doing one themselves for the next Grammy's .Both Of them are working on a song that they would perform on Music's Biggest Night. It will be so Nice to aee Teo of the Biggest stars of our geneartion link up in the Greatest Night in the Music Industry . We have our fingers crossed for them . it’s clear that Drake and Taylor are loving the attention their recent hang out at his birthday party has gotten. The self aclaimed "6 god" posted a photo of himself and Taylor from behind on his Instagram with that caption, “Is that velvet?” For the now we do not know if they are hooking up But we can't wait for the Grammy's.