Nicolas cage gets a divorce after 12 years of marriage

Nicolas Cage have apparently isolated from his significant other, Alice Kim, following 12 years of marriage An agent for the "ghost Rider" on-screen character, 52, has affirmed to Us Week by week that the pair have been isolated since January this year. Enclosure and Kim offer a 10-year-old child, Kal-el , together. Cage had met Kim while she had been working as a server at an eatery in Los Angeles and following two months of a hurricane sentiment, they got drew in and got hitched in a sentimental issue in Northern California on July 30, 2004. Talking amid a meeting with The Gatekeeper , about his Korean-conceived spouse in 2013, Enclosure said: "I settled on a get choice to wed out of my own postal district. "That is to say, way out of my own postal district. I wedded into another society, and it's intriguing on the grounds that in Korea they call me the son in-Law." Pen's division from Kim marks the start of his third separation,...