Mother of 4 terrified after logging in on Facebook and finding out in the news feed that she is declared dead

32 year old mother of four Candice Haines who suffers from Crohin disease, has revealed her horrorat receiving calls from loved ones saying she was dead and logging on to social networking site, Facebook only to find her news feed littered with 'Rest in peace' and obituary messages of herself.Candice's photo was used on a health website, DailyRecords, showing another woman and fellow Crohns’ sufferer who had died from the disease, immediately she was flooded with calls from concerned family and friends including her own father – after the story of her 'death' was shared across social media.Candice speaking to the Sun UK on Thursdaysaid:“When I woke up last Tuesday to my dad calling me and lots of missed calls, I knew something wasn’t right. He was in a right panic as he’d seen the post on Facebook and presumed something had happened in the night. I was in complete shock, my first thought was, ‘why would someone write a story about me being dead?'“Obviously it ...