Angelina Jolie steps down as director of $110m movie because of Brad Pitt

Her divorce from Brad Pitt,52, is affecting more than just their personal relationship and now it's affecting Hollywood in general . Now she’s quit the sweeping drama that the two have been working on for years! She was set to direct the $110 million film "Africa"about renown paleo-archaeologist and conservationist Dr. Richard Leakey, 71, whose characyer who would be played by her recently divorced husband Brad. But a new report says she’s just dropped the movie just the way she dropped her marriage with Brad Pitt “This movie has been a nightmare and was very difficult to start up from the beginning. Until the last few weeks Angelina was resolute in her intent to get it made, butnow she doesn’t want to direct it at all,”a source close to producerJon Peters, who was working on the film along withthe couple told Heat Street. “Brad Pitt was still interested in acting in the movie — for him it was Seven Years in Tibet set in Africa and he wasn’t ready to g...