Dallas police shooting: Five officers killed, six hurt by snipers

Five Dallas cops have been executed and six injured by expert sharpshooter fire amid challenges against the shooting of dark men by police, powers say. Police are in a stand-off with one outfitted man in an indoor auto park. Three other individuals have been confined. Gunfire broke out at around 20:45 neighborhood time on Thursday (01:45 GMT Friday) as demonstrators walked through the city. The challenges were started by the passings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana. Live redesigns Dallas Police Boss David Chestnut said officers stayed in a stand-off with one equipped man at the auto park who was shooting rounds with a rifle. He said: "The suspect that we are arranging with has told our mediators that the end is coming and he is going to hurt and slaughter a greater amount of us, which means law requirement, and that there are bombs everywhere in this carport and in downtown." Nearby reports say t...