The significance of June 12 in nigeria's history

June 12, 1993 is a great deal more than the day Boss M.K.O Abiola won the freest and most attractive vote based decisions ever held in Nigeria , however a day that symbolizes trust in Nigeria's survival as a vote based country. Interestingly since after freedom Nigerians overlooked ethnicity, religion and locale and all turned out to back a competitor since they trusted he was the right man for the occupation. Abiola » the presidential possibility for the Social Equitable Gathering (SDP) with his guarantees of progress and motto of " Trust 93 ", won states in the north, east and western parts of the nation in a decision that was later canceled by then president General Ibrahim Babangida, despite the fact that it was broadly acclaimed by both neighborhood and remote eyewitnesses to be the freest and most attractive decisions held in Nigeria. The Babangida government dissolved the decision on grounds of debasement, an incongruity by a government i'm ...