Mistakes we make when cooking rice

Rice is, without a doubt, the most delicious type of grass to grow in a swamp. That’s not praise to be given lightly. As long as humans have lived in houses, we’ve eaten rice. There are as many types of rice as there are places to grow it, from the familiar, highly processed white rice to whole-grain brown, all the way through red to black wild rices grown in Asia. However, the rise of convenience culture in response to rapidly diminishing supplies of free time mean more and more people reach adulthood without internalizing recipes and cooking techniques. Does that describe you? Welcome, you’re among friends. Allow me to share some mistakes I’ve learned to avoid. Choosing the wrong tools Ultimately, much of this advice will boil down to “your technique and tools should depend on what you’re cooking,” but there are a few grains of wisdom to glean when it comes to equipment, most importantly, your choice of pot. A pot with a thick bottom will better retain and distribute heat....