Mother Heartbreaks as both Identical Twins are diagnosed with Leukemia

A mother has spoken of her devastation after both of her twin boys were diagnosedwith leukaemia.Logan and Regan Skinner, six, developed the devastating disease within a year of each other after their skin started to go yellow and began bruising easily.They were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which attacks the bone marrow and progresses rapidly.Now after four years of treatment, Logan has finished his chemotherapy with Reganset to end the treatment next month.The pair will now have regular checks including blood tests every four weeks for the next three years but doctors are hopeful they have both beaten the disease. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is a cancerof the white blood cells.The causes are not yet known but studies have found identical twins and brothers and sister are at an increased risk of the disease.Logan, who is six minutes older than his brother, first became ill when he was two.Ms Skinner took him to doctors who diagnosed him with the ...