Come clean about your tax returns before Election Days ,Warren Buffet tells Donald Trump

The Bilionaire fondly called the " oracle of Omaha" has told the Republican Presidential Aspirant to come out clean about tax returns. Watch out,Donald ! Warren Buffet just turned up the heat on this presidential race to the White House. The billionaire investor slammed the Republican nominee for having ‘no decency", before urging him to come clean about his tax returns before Election Day. DoesDonald Trump, 70, have something to hide?Warren Buffet, 85, seems to think so! The Omaha billionaire is challenging Donald to reveal his personal tax returns and allow the public to openly inquire abouthis tax filings. If there’s nothing shitty going on, he should be more than willing to cooperate. Right??? So far, Donald isn’t budging, and it’s only making himself look bad —as if people didn’t have enough problems with him already! And if this sounds like an invasion of privacy, keep in mind that it’s no...