Daniel Radcliffe Says he hasn't touched the £74m he made from Harry Potter

Born Daniel Jacob Radcliffe ,the Harry Potter star hit the spotlight in 2001 at the age of 11. Fifteen years and eight blockbuster films later, Radcliffe revealed to the Telegraph that he has barely touched the £74 million fortune made directly from his involvement with the Harry Potter series. "I don't really do anything with my money. I'm very grateful for it, because having money means you don't have to worry about it, which is a very lovely freedom to have. It also gives me immense freedom, career-wise."Since he saved his money, Radcliffe feels free to act in independent films and to him,a feeling money can't buy is his feeling on set. "I feel you have a responsibility when you can be that choosy. For all the people who've followed my career, I want to give them something to be interested in, rather than them just watch me make loads of money on c--- films for the rest of my life. Ifsomeone told metomorrow, ‘You’re never go...