Will niyola marry bankyw?

Nigerians are up to their match making parts at the end of the day and this time, Niyola and Banky W are the subject of their consideration.

Niyola and in addition Banky W who were in Dubai throughout the weekend to celebrate with Tunde Demuren and

Toolz amid their wedding » , shared an adorable selfie of both of them, starting marriage debate.

The vocalist wonderful 30-year-old artist shared the selfie through her Instagram page on Saturday, May 28, 2016, with both of them making a remarkable pair in the photograph.

Their fans rushed to notice how great they looked together, and squandered no time telling them their considerations on the photograph.

Most just requested that Banky wed Niyola, while others ventured to request that the pair abstain from taking pictures together on the off chance that they knew they would not get hitched.

Perused the remarks beneath:

Banky who has communicated his excitement to get hitched » has likewise made it clear that he would not hurry into marriage as is by all accounts the standard nowadays.

Indeed, Niyola has revealed that she is interested in beginning to look all starry eyed at » once more, despite the fact that she may be a bit clashed dating her supervisor, since she is marked to Banky's EME name, however we'll keep our fingers crossed.

Wonder what the pair were intuition when they saw the remarks.

Tell us what you think about the pair


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