Touching as this American mam shared a photo of his final moments before drowning

A man who had allegedly passed on in his truck which had become submerged in exuberant surges, had valuable couple of minutes to share his frightening last minutes just before he kicked the bucket.

The casualty, Darren Mitchell , 21, had ended up caught in his truck amid a ruthless surge in the City of Texas, USA, and had taken to Facebook to share a photograph of his last minutes before he had suffocated.

Mitchell shared the photograph which demonstrates within the truck and the windows demonstrating the vehicle completely submerged in water, alongside the subtitle, "And all I needed was to go home".

The casualty's body had later been discovered more than a mile downstream from the spot where his upset truck had been found.

Mitchell was likewise one of four individuals who had purportedly been killed in the surges which struck the city on Thursday, May 26, 2016.

Relatives of Mitchell, who is uncovered to have been a National Patrol, revealed that he had called to let them know that he was caught in the surge just before he shared the eerie post on Facebook.

Ro Mitchell uncovered to neighborhood station, KHOU :

"He just said he was OK and he made it out of the truck."

An observer, Lashandoe Smith , likewise uncovers that Mitchell had possessed the capacity to move out onto the top of his truck before it toppled into seething surges.

She said:

"He escaped his truck, he got in the bed of his truck, he got retreat from, top of his truck, and afterward the majority of the sudden he got back in his truck.

"Also, as perhaps 10, 15 minutes after he was in his truck, it just flipped and he topsided into the water."


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