Pulse List 8 Celebrities who have battled depression

Depression does not discriminate. It affects the young, old and rich and poor. Today we take a look at famous celebrities who have battled depression;
1) Jon Hamm
The Hollywood actor famous for his role as Don Draper in the ‘ Mad Men ’ TV series once battled depression at the age of 20 after the death of his father. He was able to fight it thanks to therapy and antidepressants.
2) Owen Wilson
Star actor in movies such as ‘ Shanghai Noon ’, ‘Wedding Crashers’, and ‘ Zoolander 2 ’ in 2007 attempted suicide. It was said that Wilson had been dealing with his ‘demons’ which included drug addiction. He later spent time with family and friends which got him back on his feet.
3) Heath Ledger
As far as poster boys for depression in Hollywood goes, late actor Heath Ledger will always be one of them. Ledger who is forever remembered for his role as ‘The Joker’ in Batman 2 unsuccessfully battled depression. He died at the age of 28 after he overdosed on painkillers, sleeping pills and anxiety drugs.
4) Demi Lovato
The Disney actress broke down in 2010 and was admitted into a facility that deals with “ emotional and physical issues. ” After dealing with her issues Lovato revealed that she was suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and bipolar disorder.
5) Catherine Zeta-Jones
The famous actress publicly revealed that she was suffering from bipolar II disorder which leads to severe depression.
6) Gwyneth Paltrow
The world famous actress had her own bout of depression after giving birth to her second child. “I felt like a zombie. I couldn't access my emotions ” she told Good Housekeeping in February 2011. She was dealing with a case of postpartum depression. “ I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child, but there are different shades and depths of it. ”
7) Brooke Shields
Famous model and actress was one of the first celebrities to speak about postpartum depression. She even wrote a book about it titled “ Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression. ”
8) Robin Williams
On August 11, 2014 Robin Williams committed suicide. He was found hanging from a belt in his home. After his death it was revealed that he had been suffering from severe depression.


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