Taylor Swift and Drake Recording A RnB/HipHop Album?

It’s no secret that Taylor Swift and Drake are getting along famously, and aNov. 12 report says that she’s bringing the rapper on to help record her next album. Sounds like a dream! Get all of the details here.Taylor Swift, 26, has apparently hired Drake, 30, to help out with her new music, asThe Sunreports. OMG! “Taylor is always looking at ways to grow as an artist and really wants to try something different and unexpected for the next album,” a source tells the outlet. “It’s a real mix of edgier hip-hop and R&B sounds…[Drake is] writing with Taylor, he’s producing a few tracks and even lent his vocals to one song.” That is so exciting!

We can’t forget howKendrick Lamar, 29, featured on a version of “Bad Blood”, and the insider claims that that’s one of the reasons Tay wants to go in a similar direction with her upcoming record.
    “The remix of her song ‘Bad Blood’ had a less pop vibe [and] was a big hit, so she thinks her fans will like her going in this direction,” the source reveals. “She’s not afraid of experimenting so is working with a lot of different faces to see if she suits a new sound.” Okay, tell us where to pre-order!Finally, the insider shares the reason whyTay wants Drakein particular as her partner. “Drake has been her friend for a while and it seemed a no-brainer that she would spend time in the studio with him,” the source says. “They share a real connection over their love of music and studio time and get on very well.” Hmm,we’re sure they do!

Source: Hollywoodlife


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