Angelina Jolie Obsession with becoming Head of UN caused marriage split

This is NOT what we expected.Angelina Jolie, 41, is allegedly OBSESSED with becoming the head of the United Nations, and it ultimately ledto the demise of her relationship withBrad Pitt, 52, according to a newTMZreport. “Brad became increasingly upset over Angelina’s political ambitions,” the website reported on Sept. 25. “Angelina had taken the kids to various war-torn countries, includingLebanon and Iraq. She would always make sure to bring a security team thatwas the best of the best on her trips … but for Brad, it still wasn’t enough.”According to the shocking new report, the actress EVEN has two political advisers and a “war room” to assist herwith her public image and decision-making. The last straw for the actor allegedly resulted from the ex-couplefightingover bringing their six children to Syria to assist with foreign aid efforts. Guys, we don’t even know what to think anymore!

    Amidst all the turmoil from the split that shocked the world, Angelina has been takingdrastic measures  to protect her children while they hide in an ultra-luxurious Malibu, California rental home. “Angelina has covered up all the ocean view windows with lawn furniture cushions so no one can see in or out,” a source EXCLUSIVELY toldHollywoodLife.comon Sept. 24. “She isparanoid and has barricaded herself, and the children, inside the compound.”

Source: Hollywoodlife


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