Tom Cruise Has not seen his Daughter Suri for 3 years

   Suri Cruise is living  a normal, loving and sweet  life with her mom Katie Holmes, but something is missing in her which is very important,her father, Tom Cruise. 
Tom, according to a new report, hasn’t seen his 10-year-old daughter for three years  After divorcing husband Tom Cruise, 54, in 2012,Katie Holmes, 37, started taking care of their daughter,Suri Cruise, now 10. Tom, according to a source “close to Katie,” who spoke toOKmagazine, took this as a cue to stop seeing his youngest child altogether.He has not seen her for  three years now.While Katie has custody of Suri, there was no order or restraint whatsoever to keep him away from their daughter. But the Church of Scientology allegedly forced Tom to cut off contact with both Katie and Suria fter declaring them “suppressive persons,” according to the source.
 A suppressive person, or SP, is someone that Scientology believes has antisocial or negative influences on the people around them. You know who else Scientology classifies as an SP? It's Hitler! . The Church of Scientology has denied that they called Katie and Suri SPs, andtold Tom to stop talking to his daught er. Furthermore, Tom himself has denied that he hasn’t stopped talking to his daughter, during a 2013 libel trial. 

“[That’s] the same thing my father did, and suggesting that’s something I’m doing…I find that greatly offensive,” Tom said in court.Well, that was three years ago. Have things changed? “That is exactly* whathe’s doing,” the source told OKmagazine. “Katie would never bad mouth Tom in front of Suri, but she doesn’t need to. If Suri doesn’t see Tom in person soon, she might stop asking about him altogether.


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