Mohammed Uwais Ex chief Juctice's child who joined ISIS kicks the bucket in Syria

Ibrahim Uwais, the child of a former chief justice of supreme Court, Mohammed Uwais, who joined ISIS in 2015, has been executed. Sahara Columnists say the ex-minister's child, was slaughtered in Allepo, Syria by an Assembled States airstrike. 41 year old Uwais junior, supposedly set out to Syria with his two spouses and five children to join ISIS. Reports say a source uncovered the demise of the clergyman's child, saying "Ibrahim kicked the bucket today on the combat zone in Aleppo." President Buhari In April 2016, uncovered that Boko Haram is being subsidized by the Universal fear bunch, ISIS. This is taking after Boko Haram's second vow of dependability to the universal fear bunch through a video distributed on YouTube. American military authorities additionally grabbed a shipment of arms along the Chadian fringe on April 7, 2016, containing little gauge weapons, automatic weapons and rifles, professedly from Libya on the way to Boko Haram in Nigeria.


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