Video and Pictures of Women's march in the in U.S

Women march in their thousands across the United States of America and other parts if the world in solidarity of Women and human rights.

 Women come out in their thousands in New York and other parts of The country.


People come bout in large numbers in London for the Women's march I n solidarity for human rights

 Women gather at the Brandenburg gate in Germany in solidarity
 Attendees show their support at the Eiffel tower in Paris
About One million people marched in the historic  and record breaking Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, according to initial estimates, in a stunning show of protest on the first full day of the Trump administration.A sea of peaceful protesters wore pink pussy hats as crowds poured into the streets of downtown DC, easily outnumbering those attending the inauguration on Friday.
The Los Angeles Police Department(LAPD) had estimated that about  500,000 people took to the streets of L.A.
In every state in the U.S more than 10,000 people took part in the Protest


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