President Obama's Farewell speech

Obama went back to the State of Chicago to give his farewell speech and he had a large crowd.
The outgoing president mentioned the name of president elect ,Donald Trump,once in his speech when he said he will make sure there is smooth transition of Power.
He talked about Climate Change and he got a thunderous applause when he said he is not discriminating Muslims.
President Obama  told Americans that they should not give up ,keep on fighting and be active citizens of the United States.
He also talked about the Obamacare which President Elect is calling for it to be removed quickly ,he said "if anybody has anything that is better than what is on ground ,they have his support.
He then Praised his daughters Malia and Sasha(who was not present) told them how wonderful they are and howuch they have grown into fine woman.
He praised his Joe Biden the Vice President and said he had always been his first choice when he ran for office in 2008.
Then he got personal and had sweet words for his Wife Michelle
    He said:“Girl of the South Side,” he says, as Michelle raises her fist.“For the past twenty-five years, you’ve been not only my wife and mother of my children, but my best friend. You took on a role you didn’t ask for and made it your own with grace and grit and style and good humor,” says Obama, getting out a white handkerchief and wiping away tears.The Boy from Chicago has served and he's going home


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