Female Fan Grabs R Kelly Crotch

The RnB superstar bent down to his admirable fans when he as performing serenading a girl as he hands her a towel and sings for her to wipe his face.
The female fan was only too willing to obliging her idol, and wiped his face before taking the opportunity to give his chest a wipe down as well.After that, the lady turned to the rest of the crowd with a huge grin on her face as she moved closer to R Kelly crotchas he stood up.The star then shockingly starts gyrating in the woman's face - before yelling as part of the song: "Now grab it!"
Anyway ,his happiness then turned to shock when the lady obliges and gets a handful of hismanhood, making the singer leap back in surprise.He then stops singing and can be seen mouthing "what the f***" as he corrects himself in front of the crowd.Pulling the mic up to his face, he then bursts out laughing and stands stunned in front of the Detroit audience.