Justin Bieber attacked in a Nightclub in Germany

  Pop Sensation  Justin Bieber, 22,was just trying to have a fun night at HEART nightclub in Munich, Germany on Sept. 24, when a fan got WAY too close for comfort. In a video originally posted by TMZ, the singer is seen walking around the crowded club while being escorted by a security guard. Loud music is blasting, and Justin keeps turning his head to look as a man can be heard yelling his name repeatedly. Suddenly, someone LUNGES out at the Biebs and grabs him, while the sound of glasses shattering echo around him!Fortunately, a mysterious beautiful brunette girl with Justin pushes the fanaway and pulls him to safety. Immediately after, Biebs’ business partner,John Shahidi, shoves the attacker to the ground. The “Sorry” singer is then seen leaving the dance floor, with a visibly frightened look on his face.
    Bieber, wearing a black top with a white logo, stopped in the crowd and looked shocked after being targeted.A source toldTMZ, which originally published the video: “The man was trying, but failing, toget Justin’s attention all night and once they came face-to-face he decided to lunge at the singer.


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