Donald Trump Sniffles during Presidential Debate,and people want to know why

The very first presidential debate between Donald Trump, 70, and Hillary Clinton, 68, was just as bonkers as we were expecting it to be! However, we definitely didn’t expect Trump’s health to be taken into question! After digginginto Hillary for weeks when she had a simple coughing fit during a Des Moines rally, and subsequently comingdown with pneumonia, Trump couldn’t stop sniffling during the September 26 debate!Naturally, voters immediately latched onto that beautiful piece of irony and wouldn’t let go, rushing to Twitter to share their thoughts about his curious sign of illness. Some people mercilessly piled on the jokes about how Trump was “hiding something” about his health — just like he accused Hillary of doing! Others mocked him with pics of his Donald Trump brand handkerchiefs. Rude, but hilarious! Here are some of the best reactions to Trump’s unfortunate, ill-timed common cold (…or worse??):

Of course, thousands and thousands of people all over the country tuned in for the first big showdown between Donald and Hillary. They’ve been slinging mud at each other for over a year now, and it was finally time for them to go head to head, so everyone was expecting fireworks. The event was hosted by CNN, and veteran NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holttook the reins and moderated the evening, stopping it from getting TOO out of hand. Of course, with a personality like Donald in the room, it’s impossible to avoid all surprises.

Source: Hollywoodlife


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