Turns out the 26 year old song writer and singer is clearly not happy with Kanye West due to his lyrics in his song famous which he stated
'I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex /I made that bitch famous. ' which she claims not being aware of the use of the controversial line ' I made that bitch famous' in the song. Keeping up with the Kardashians star Kim Kardashian recently took to snap chat to defend her husband,  proving Taylor Swift knew about her husband's song 'famous' before it was released.

In the footage which she posted on snap chat,  Kanye West could be seen asking Taylor for permission to use the line in his song. The Grammy award winning rapper and producer recited the lyrics to her leaving the last part  (I made that bitch famous) out. She gave her consent and thanked Kanye about letting her know about it before releasing the song.

After the release of the snapchat footage the 26 year old received a major backlash on social media which prompted her response via instagram
" where is the video of Kanye telling me he was gonna call me that bitch in his song?.. It doesn't exist cos it never happened, you don't get to control someone's emotional response to being called that bitch to the entire world "
She also stated how much she wanted to like the song and have a friendly relationship with Kanye and describes being falsely painted as a liar as character assassination


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