Does Zac Effron want Sami Miro back?

Zac does not want sami  back. He has been way too busy promoting his movie to be chasing after her. This is kind of laughable, and it’s a very obvious attempt by Sami to keep herself relevant now that she isn’t with Zac. But Zac isn’t letting that disturb him at all — his head is focused on work right now. His career is blowing up and Baywatch is about to come out, plus, he’s starting on his movie with Hugh Jackman. He doesn’t have time for her drama. That’s one of the reasons things didn’t work out with her, zac does not want to be caught up in any of her issues.
Why is Zac Efron practicing his Aussie Accent?Sami allegedly tweeted and then deleted a series of harsh words about her ex. On July 19, she said, “Oh, when he texts you saying he’s trying so hard to move on but you already moved on months ago,” before adding, “When you’ve never been happier and he’s still a hot mess.”
She also said, “I’m finally ready to talk about it. Missed your chance bye bye #iaintsorry.” I wonder what she means by “it.” The tweets are very interesting, but we’re happy to hear Zac’s not interested in getting her back. We can’t imagine he’d want to anyway after she put him on blast in such a harsh way.Zac is so focused with all the things he needs to be involved in rather than been caught up in sami's drama right bow


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