President Buhari says Nigeria suffering from the consequences of past economic recession

President Muhammadu Buhari has

depicted the current monetary issue in

Nigeria as the consequence of a botched

economy in past years.

The President focused on that the nation and her

past heads denied putting something aside for the

current circumstance, subsequently, fumbling high

income that accumulated from oil before


Buhari made this known not open amid his

discourse when the Boss Worldwide President of Unilever,

Mr Paul Polman , paid him a politeness visit at the

State House in Abuja on Monday, June 27, 2016.

In his words, "We declined to put something aside for the stormy

day. Presently the downpour is beating us. No cash, no

reserve funds, nothing. Furthermore, we are completely wet from

the downpours."

" We need to make employments, and supporting

assembling is one approach to do it. When we

have settled our financial plan, I would by and by be

keen on the assembling area, especially

in the era of key crude materials, " the

President said.

Nonetheless, the President guaranteed that the Government

Government would quick track the

usage of methodologies to ease doing

business and pull in more financial specialists into



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