Jaguar carrying Olympic torch shot dead in brazil

A jaguar has been shot dead not long after it was

utilized as a part of an Olympic light transfer at a zoo in the

Brazilian city of Manaus, the armed force said.

The female puma got away from its handlers after the

function on Monday and assaulted a fighter, a

representative said.

Four tranquiliser darts neglected to stop it and a

officer shot it with a gun.

Coordinators for the Rio Recreations said it had been a

oversight to show the Olympic light by a

fastened wild creature.

Every living creature's common sense entitlement bunches have censured the executing,

with some doubting why the creature was

included in the Olympic occasion.

"At the point when will we learn? Wild creatures held hostage

furthermore, compelled to do things that are unnerving,

now and again difficult, and constantly unnatural are

ticking time bombs," Brittany Peet, chief of

hostage creature law implementation at Individuals for

the Moral Treatment of Creatures (PETA), said in

an announcement.

The creature, called Juma, had been brought up in the

zoo in the Amazon since it was a whelp alongside

about six kin.

The Olympic light is transferred through Brazil

paving the way to the August opening function.


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