Dencia vows to sue Lisa Raye over critic statement about her skin lotion

Dencia, the ceo of the notorious skin

helping Whitenicious cream has documented a

maligning claim against American

on-screen character, Lisa Raye for her remarks she

made about her item.

The Nigerian-Cameroonian pop vocalist and

business person, additionally uncovered the performing artist covertly

begged her not to take the issue to court.

Review that, in January 2016, Lisa Raye amid

her press rounds for her most recent film featuring

Van Vicker " Cleaned " criticized Dencia's

"Whitenicious" healthy skin item » as bringing about

growth and skin blotching.

As indicated by her, " They utilize this cream like salve

everywhere on their bodies to fade their skin to

ended up lighter, " she said, including, " Now, what

happens, however, their knuckles, their elbows remain

the first shading. In this way, now you're taking a gander at them

like, 'What did you do? "

Dencia heard this and fumed on Twitter

debilitating to sue Lisa Raye. What's more, it appears like

she's proceeded to do as such in the event that her most recent post is

anything to pass by.

Dencia cases Raye's connected with her for the

case to be settled genially and out of court,

in any case, the artist uncovered she is not down for that.

She took to Instagram today, June 29, 2016

sharing a screen shot of the on-screen character's message,

composing, " Don't u ever play yourself,don't let these

web lanes buildup you cuz toward the end u are

alone in this mess.Most of u comprehend what happened

I think January with Miss Lisa Raye.After her

Radio meeting I connected with her and film

makers to withdraw proclamation and they overlooked


I held legal advisors who sent a letter and she was

like gracious idk this individual bla bla,the Radio

station withdrew yet Lisa didn't, she had her

chance and went on tmz and chose to advance her

movie.$20,000 later on legal advisors and lost deals u

need to arrange?

No Woman we going to court.When u live in a

Nation like America with laws and u are in an

industry where u should bite your

words before saying anything u need to

comprehend the consequences.I was offended

assaulted,lost money,spent cash and now u need

to settle nah I don't make due with less.This will educate

anybody desiring me lesson,I got time and $$ to

make you pay for what u say.The Web is out

here making individuals act over their wage,some

poop is kitchen table talk and the key is to abandon it

in the stove so u don't play yourself,so here is my

answer Miss Raye SEE U IN COURT.I told y'all I

needn't bother with fortunes I win everything.Be watchful who u

wanted I am not well known I am only a Youthful

AFRICAN Young lady Carrying on with her life some place far away

from Dramatization that appears to discover me in these


I am suing for lost wages

The passionate torment I went through

The cash I spent shopping in Paris to feel better

The anxiety it brought about me I cldnt deal with my


The time I spent messaging bringing on my fingers


The expense of my excursion to the Maldives to consider

what I needed to do

The cash I spent purchasing another auto I didn't require

only 2 drive 2 BH 2 see my legal advisors

The weight on my family

The weight on my customers and companions who needed to

safeguard me (send your bills in)

The private plane I took back to la from Paris 2 meet

my legal counselors on time The rundown goes on and on,this

ain't no joke cuz individuals truly will sue u for

things like this lol.All I am stating is all u

big names advancing yo poop simply forget me

particularly my organizations @whitenicious

@darkliciouscosmetics @envydiacosmetics

@monangebebe I don't play with my organizations. "


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