Proffessor Ignatius Onimawo appointed as New VIce Chancellor of Ambrose Alli University
Today denote the start of Another Period in the Ambrose Alli university,Ekpoma as the New bad habit chancellor PROF. ONIMAWO from the personnel of Normal Science (FNS).
Educator Ignatius Onimawo Addresses in Sustenance and Organic chemistry courses from undergrad to PhD level. Expert in General Wellbeing Sustenance. Included in examination in Non-transmittable illnesses, iron inadequacy weakness, improvement of new nourishments and human body creation and human vitality prerequisites. Capabilities in anthropometry, dietary examination and practical properties of sustenances and so on.
Subjective Exploration
Program Administration
Open Talking
General Wellbeing
Microsoft Exceed expectations
Program Assessment
Client Administration
Microsoft Office
Vital Arranging
Microsoft Word
College of Ibada. Specialist of Theory (Ph.D.), Human Nutrition1988 – 1995
Previous National President, Sustenance Society of Nigeria, Previous Chief of Scholarly Arranging, Ambrose Alli College, Ekpoma, current General Secretary Organization of African Nourishment Social orders (FANUS).
Exercises and Social orders: Sustenance Society of Nigeria (NSN); Nourishment Society Uk (NS-UK), American Culture for Sustenance (ASN), African Sustenance Society (ANS). Included consultancies in general wellbeing nourishment, research in human sustenance
College of Ibadan BSc, MSc and PhD, Human Nourishment
Volunteer Experience and Causes
Causes Ignatius thinks about:
Legislative issues
Science and Innovation
Talkaholiq had a meeting with one a nearby individual to the VC-choose (name with withheld)he made our journalist comprehend the gossip that were behind the deferral of the initiation
This were is words after the race that day everything towards the VC-choose transformed they were blaming him for being violent,attempting of homicide and notwithstanding arranging a dissent. He likewise proceeded saying the Range Charge OF THE NIGERIA POLICE EKPOMA summoned him the VC-choose to their office saying he was the person who arranged the rcent dissent which was later resolve after much examination
Clarifying further he said
The new VC-choose additionally guarantee to work and put the intrest of the school and its understudy in his heart,he likewise urgues all individuals from the college to work with him to advance a more noteworthy AAU"
Talkaholiq wishes the VC-choose a fruitful residency
