Photo of the Day Pastor Adefarasin goes to the gym

The Head Pastor of House on the Rock Church , Pastor Paul Adefarasin is keeping his body as pure as his soul and spirit.
The famous man of God went to the gym yesterday (November 10) with famous fitness expert Dominic Mudabai.
“Your life is a sum total of your thoughts... Selah.
The incredible power of a thought.
In the beginning was the logos.
In the beginning was a thought and the thought was with God and the thought was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by a thought; and without a thought was not any thing made that was made. In thought was life; and the thought was the light of men.
Thank you Metropolitan Pastor Paul Adefarasin for a wonderful message yesterday. @houseontherockchurch
A successful business brand is not a product but a thought.
Ask Jobs, Gates, Dangote ” wrote Mudabai in the caption of the photo


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